Peacekeeping Workshop 02-06-2016 at the British Academy Carlton House, London

On 02-06-2016  Profs Ismene Gizelis and Han Dorussen (UoE) organized a workshop on recent developments in research on peacekeeping. A group of academics from the Department of Government, Uiniversity of Essex presented their research on different topics related to peacekeeping and its effectiveness. Extensive discussions among the participants followed the presentations. The  link  Workshop_summary provides a summary of the different points that were raised during the workshop.

Program of the Workshop Programme Peacekeeping Workshop 2_6_2016

Link to the poster on Ethnitic diversity, secterianism and collective action

Link to the poster on Local communities and peacekeeping effectiveness

Link to the poster on Gender and peacekeeping research: overview

Link to the poster on Gender and peacekeeping research: examples of systematic empirical research

Han Dorussen, Lorena Castilla and workshops participants from Ministry of Defense Science and Technology Lab (dstl) and Frontier Strategy Group.
Ismene Gizelis and Han Dorussen with participants from Foreing and Commonwealth Office.
Ismene Gizelis and Han Dorussen with participants from Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Ismene Gizelis and workshops participants from Ministry of Defense Science and Technology Lab (dstl) and Frontier Strategy Group.