The known knowns and known unknowns of peacekeeping data (open access for 3 months)

To cite this article:
G. Clayton (ed), J. Kathman, K. Beardsley, T.-I Gizelis, L. Olsson, V. Bove, A.
Ruggeri, R. Zwetsloot, J. van der Lijn, T. Smit, L. Hultman, H. Dorussen, A. Ruggeri, P.F. Diehl, L. Bosco & C. Goodness (2016): The known knowns and known unknowns of peacekeeping data, International Peacekeeping.


IAWP2016 Training Conference in Barcelona, Spain from 9 to 13 October 2016

Participated in the conference which covered topics from  Violence against Women,
Human Trafficking to Career Development. As part of my participation I gave a presentation at the training session: (UN Panel) Protection of Civilians. Illuminate the multi-faceted challenges to Protecting Civilians.

Many thanks to Jane Rhodes and  Maria Appelblom from the Standing Police Capacity, Department of Peacekeeping Operations Police Division for allowing me to be part of the UN delegation at IAWP2016.

With co-panelists Won Hyuk IM (Community Policing Officer. Standing Police Capacity (SPC), Police Division. (DPKO), UN); Madaki J. Rishama (Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP).United Nations-African Union Hybrid Operation in Dafur (UNAMID)); Marie PEGIE CAUCHOIS Judicial Affairs Officer Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity, Justice and Corrections Services, OROLSI; and Cecilia Dunster, Chief Inspector. Thames Valley Police, UK representing UN Police in UN Mission in South Sudan.